taken from the 60th Anniversary Booklet, 1903
"As early as 1836, a small band of German people held irregular religious meetings in a building which stood on the present site of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, on Hancock street, near Market. One Brandauer, who was not an ordained minister, but an educated layman, conducted these services, and after his removal from the city, a certain Dr. Fischer succeeded him in this evangelical work. An organization was not effected until toward the close of the year 1843, when the following men met for that purpose at the residence of Mr. Frederick Groszmann, 308 East Main Street: John Westermann, John Mallis, Frederick Groszmann, John Rubsch, Henry Rubsch, Valentine Weidenbach, Henry Graf, John Hermann and G. Henry Stockhoff. They chose Frederick Groszman for president, and John Westermann, for treasurer. Mr. Groszman also acted in the capacity of secretary. These men with two exemptions, were less than thirty years old.
The first regular pastor was the Rev. Mr. Klein, who was called at an annual salary of $250. Under his administration a lot was purchased on Hancock Street, between Market and Jefferson. He remained with the church only one year, and conducted services in an old church of Fifth street near Walnut, where the first confirmants, two in number, were confirmed. His successor, in 1844, was the Rev. Mr. Fischer, during whose pastorate the little congregation worshipped in a vacant store-room on Second street, between Market and Jefferson. After the lapse of a year, he was succeeded by the Rev. Aug. Bargas. The congregation now felt warranted to begin the erection of a church on the lot purchased two years previous. This modest edifice was almost completed, when, in May, 1848, the Rev.Frederick Judt took charge of the affairs of the church. The building was so arranged that the basement served for school purposes, while the upper section was the church proper. It was dedicated September 10, 1848. He gave the church its name, German Evangelical St. John’s Church, drew up a constitution and by-laws, to which the following men subscribed their names as a board of trustees: John Westermann, president; Robert Ernst, secretary; Henry Bauer, treasurer; George Edinger, John Rubsch, John Appel, Henry Sievert, Henry Windhorst, William Kreil, Frederick Fabel and Louis Rehm. A parochial school was instituted, with Carol Grosz as teacher, and in the course of a few years showed and enrollment of 150. In 1856 the church united with the “Evangelical Church Society of the West,” the present, Evangelical Synod of North America.” At this time the custom known as the “collection of confirmants” was begun, the first collection of its kind being taken in 1855, when sixteen children gathered $16.25.
A parsonage was purchased opposite the church about 1855 which served for twenty-four years as a residence for the pastors of the congregation. Rev. Judt, who was a most faithful and consecrated minister, left St. John’s in July, 1856, but in later years returned to this city and served St. Peter’s Evangelical Church. The Rev. Carl Schaller became the next pastor. Six weeks after his arrival he took ill, and departed this life January 28, 1857. He therefore served the church only four months.
A period of activity and prosperity began with the accession of the Rev. Theodore Dresel, who assumed charge of the pastorate in June, 1857, a man of great energy and indomitable principles. Church and school at once experienced an unprecedented expansion. Both soon outgrew their quarters, and it became necessary to build a new church home. In 1861, the lot on Clay and Market streets, where A. G. Van Seggern conducted a lumber yard, was purchased from Richard C. Anderson for $8,000. On Easter Monday, April 2, 1866, the resolution was unanimously passed by the congregation to begin at once with the erection of a new and larger church. Its first cost was calculated as $60,000, but it largely exceeded that amount. Bradshaw and Bro. were the architects, and the building committee consisted of Messrs. Louis Rehm, M. Billing, Henry Stockhoff, John C. Meyer, Ph. Thomas, George Hill, Ph. Haag and Rev. Theo. Dresel. The cornerstone was laid June 24, 1866, and contains a Bible, a hymn book and samples of the paper money in use at the time. The dedication took place amid imposing ceremonies, October 20, 1867. The large organ, which should have been in place for the dedicatory exercises, met with a peculiar fate. It sank with the steamer Champion, on which it was being transported hither from St. Louis, and was replaced by a new instrument about one year later, at the builder’s expense.
Shortly after the completion of the new church, a period of turbulence and financial stringency began. But little money had been collected
preparatory to the building operations, and, although the members gave liberally, the building committee was compelled to borrow great sums, at a large rate of interest. Within two years a debt of nearly fifty thousand dollars had been contracted. These funds were obtained from every possible source, from banks, from individuals, within and without the congregation. To better control the financial situation, bonds were issued May 1, 1869, to the amount of $40,000, with Mr. J. H. Lindenberger, of the Merchant’s Bank as trustee. With the proceeds of the sale of these bonds, whose rate of interest was 9 per cent., and which were to be redeemable after ten years, most other loans were cancelled. In the succeeding five years the debt fluctuated, at one time reaching the sum of $64,000. To make matters more distressing, the treasurer of the church defaulted, which almost annihilated its credit. It was rumored that the church would go into the hands of the Catholics. It was threatened with lawsuits. Many forsook the sinking ship. Sleepless nights were passed in agony by the faithful. They personally obligated themselves for money loaned to the church. They sent in receipted bills for work which they had done and never had been paid. They gave and sacrificed until, verily, they felt it. It was not until in the late seventies that the lowering clouds were somewhat dispelled and better times smiled upon the struggling congregation.
In Jul, 1869, the city purchased the vacated old church on Hancock street for $5,000, transforming it into a hook-an-ladder station, for which purpose it is used to the present day. This money was immediately invested in the erection of the school-house in which we hold Sunday school to-day, and which we use for so many practical purposes. This was a necessary step, since, by the sale of the old church that had been altered for school purposes, the school was crowded out of its quarters. The new domicile for the school children was dedicated late in November, 1869.
The Rev. Mr. Dresel resigned his pastorate May 21, 1875, and was succeeded by the Rev. John Brodmann in November of the same year. During his regime a division occurred in the church, which caused the establishment of a Lutheran church on Clay street, between Market and Jefferson. When he left St. John’s, in January, 1879, he organized the Christ Evangelical Church, on Garden street.
The Rev. C. J. Zimmerman began his activity as pastor of this church in May, 1879. The first bond issue having run its course of ten years, a new issue of $40,000 at 6 per cent. was placed upon the market in May, with Mr. A. Reutlinger, of the defunct German National Bank, as trustee. The elders of the church had great difficulty in placing them, and succeeded only after they had given security for the debt of the church with their own personal and real property. In June, 1880, the parsonage on Hancock street was sold for $1,400, and the present manse, between the church and school, erected. A sinking fund was begun and the figures on page 60 will tell the story of its efficacy. The church bells were purchased in 1885, the necessary funds being collected almost exclusively by members of the choir and the young people. About the same time, Mr. David Frantz, Sr., presented a tower clock, which only five years ago ceased its activity. Electric light was introduced in 1893.
The English movement in our church had its incipiency in the early nineties. First an English Sunday afternoon school was founded; then the
catechetical instructions were in part given in that language, an in February, 1893, the first English evening service was held. Four years later an unsuccessful experiment was made to introduce a weekly Sunday-morning service. The Rev. Daniel Bretz, still in fond remembrance with any of our people, was called in August, 1867, to inaugurate the movement. He conducted service in English in the upper school-room contemporaneously with the German service in the church auditorium. The time, however, was not yet ripe, and when, on February 6, 1898, the Rev. Mr. Zimmerman resigned, Mr. Bretz also ended his work abruptly in our midst.
In the congregational meeting of February 27, 1898, a unanimous call was extended to the present pastor, Rev. Theo. F. John, then stationed at New Albany, Indiana. He could not at once dissolve the connection with his parish, hence the Rev. O. W. Brenhaus took charge temporarily (during May) of the church. On June 5th, the pastor-elect was installed by his aged father. The leading events of his pastorate may be summarized as follows: On October 5, 1898, the artistic baptismal font of pure Carrara marble was presented in memory of Mrs. Therese Rehm, by her affectionate children. The magnificent Flinchback memorial window “Christ in Gethsemane” was dedicated Easter, 1899, the Korfhage memorial window, “Jesus blessing the children,” in October of the same year. Our young people placed their window, “Jesus among the Doctors,” in December, 1901, and Mrs. Cath. Woerner “The Resurrection,” in memory of her brother, Wm. F. Goebel, Easter, 1902.
A memorable event was the ten thousand dollar collection, in 1899, to which the suggestion of one of our young brethren gave the impetus, to find one hundred people it the church who would give $100 each. The pastor took up the idea and found the encouragement everywhere. The societies, as well as the individual members, contributed most liberally, and when the collection after six months, was ended the goal was not only reached, but exceeded by several hundred dollars. Worthy, also, of mention is the revision and translation into English of the constitution and the by-laws of the church, in 1900. In the nature of improvements, we mention the renovation of the parsonage in 1898, the installation of a new heating plant in 1901, the bazaars of 1898 and 1901, the former netting $1,281, the latter $1,625 The latest innovation is the English morning service, which, since February 22nd of the present year, is held each last Sunday of the month, and is attended with most encouraging results.
Today, November 29, 1903, St. John’s Church is observing the sixtieth anniversary of its birth."
Our monthly newsletter, The Messenger, is still a vital publication at St. John United Church of Christ. It continues to be available the first Sunday of the month. Although it is sent out electronically, many copies are made available in the sanctuary.
taken from the 60th Anniversary Booklet, 1903
"The “Messenger” is the official organ of St. John’s Evangelical Church. Its first issue appeared on Easter Sunday, April 3, 1896. When the project of its publication was at first discussed, it was met with some opposition and with much indifference. It was permitted only under the condition, that no financial obligation should thereby be imposed upon the church treasury. This condition has been respected throughout the eight years. Never has the Messenger cost the church one cent; on the contrary, it has, during its short life, paid $213.65 into the treasury of the church. There is no longer any opposition to it, but it is generally welcomed and eagerly read by our people. In fact, it has become a necessary factor in the work of our church.
In the first year of its publication the Messenger was a very modest little sheet. At the expiration of one year it was enlarged to its present
size of eight pages, with three columns to the page, and an occasional supplement. It is distributed gratis of the church doors on the first Sunday of each month. If sent by mail, the subscription price is 25 cents a year.
For one and a half years it was printed in the establishment of Mr. Jacob Lang. After his death, Mr. Edward Dreier was engaged as its
printer. Since October, 1902, the technical work is done at the job office of the “Louisville Omnibus.” It is issued in one thousand copies monthly, and the total expense of its publication is defrayed by the advertisements of liberal and progressive business men. Its present electrotyped “head,” or title, was adopted in April, 1899. Theretofore its title consisted of plain, large type.
From the day of its inception to the present time, Messrs. J. N. Pfeiffer and Theo. Rectanus have been the business managers of the
Messenger. They solicit the advertisements and attend to all collections. The fact that they are reappointed year after year is the best endorsement of their work. A committee of the Y. P/ C/, with Miss Lizzie Buchele as chairman, mails each advertiser and subscriber his paper on the evening following its publication. The pastor of the church is the editor of the Messenger. It is self-evident that all these officials do their work gratuitously.
The Messenger is not only a strong bond, uniting our widely scattered church family, but even keeps the children of old St. John’s in distant cities and other States in close touch with their spiritual mother."
Evangelische St. Johannes Kirche / St. John's Evangelical Church
The original church building of St. John was sold to the fire department.
The First Church,1848-1866
Das Erste Pfarrhaus (The First Parsonage)
St. John's Evangelical Church, 1867
Das Schulhaus (The School House), 1869
St. John Parish Hall
Innenansicht der Kirche (Interior View of the Church), 1867
Drawing by Richard Paulmann
Das Groszmann'sche Haus
Die Alte Kirche an der Hancock Street (The First Church)
The Church Council:
(Back) J. Merhoff, J. Imhoj, G. Sauer, Wm. Lang
(Middle) J. Lentz, O.A. Metzner, H. Wolke, H. Kalkhof, J. Rupp, J. Schwarz, H. Katzmann, C. Roederer
(Front) H. Bachmann, J.N. Pfeiffer, Fin. Sec., J. Raeuchle, Pres., Pastor Theo. F. John, J. Unz, Vice-Pres., H. Stockhoff, Treas., J. Daum, Sec.
Das Pfarrhaus (The Parsonage)
Friedrich Judt 1848-1856, Theodor Dresel 1857-1875, Johannes Brodmann 1875-1879
Carl Julius Zimmermann 1879-1898, Daniel Bretz, Assistant Pastor, 1897-1898, Theophil Friedrich John 1898-1912
Die Beamten der Frauen Vereins (The Officers of the Ladies Aid Society) Rosina Becker, Schatzm, Emilie Sauer, Secr., Marie Metzner, Vice-Pres., Sophie Burg, Pres.
Nach dem Morgengottesdienst (After the Morning Service)
Die Beamten der Sonntagschule (Officers of the Sunday School):
(Back) E.J. Scheerer, Pianist, Jac. Schneider, II Librarian, Mamie Kohler, Organist, O. Becker, III Librarian, Hy. Becker, Statistician, Ed. Sauer, Librarian,
(Front) C. Wiegel, Supt. Primary Dept., J.N. Pfeiffer, Ass't. Supt., J.A. Raeuchle, Supt. Wm. Braun, Secr., Rachel Schnur, Treas.
Der Chor (The Choir)
Die Beamten der Pastor's Aid Society: Hattie Mueller, Treas., Lena Raeuchle, Vice-Pres., Maria Metzner, Pres., Anna Feige, Secr.
The First Messenger, Easter Sunday, April 3, 1896
The First Messenger, p2
The First Messenger, p3
The First Messenger, p4
The First Messenger, p5
The First Messenger, p6
The First Messenger, p8
1836 First assemblies of informal worship of small groups of Germans in homes.
1843 Congregation organized, Constitution written.
1848 First church sanctuary dedicated September 10, located on Hancock Street between Market and Jefferson Streets.
1849 Parochial School for German Students instituted and continued until 1881.
1855 Parsonage purchased opposite church.
1856 St. John united with Evangelical Church Society of the West.
1861 Lot at Clay and Market Streets purchased for $8,000.
1866 Cornerstone laid for new church on June 24.
Ladies’ Aid Society organized by pastor.1867 New sanctuary dedicated October 20.
1869 Parochial school house erected, using proceeds ($5,000) from sale of sanctuary on Hancock St.
1883 Building of present Parish House using$1,400 from sale of parsonage on Hancock Street.
1885 Church bells and tower clock installed.
1892 Confirmation instructions given partly in English.
1893 First English Sunday evening services (February).
Electric lighting system installed.
Sunday school membership 600 with 45 teachers.
1896 First church paper (the Messenger) issued Easter Sunday contained both English and German.
1897 First Sunday morning English services held at the School House in August.
1898 Carrara marble baptismal font presented in memory of Mrs. Therese Rehm.
1899 “$10,000 Offering” completed in 6 months (100 people give $100).
1900 Revision and translation into English of Constitution and By-laws.
1901 Organization of Treble Choir (children).
1903 English services held first time in Sanctuary on last Sunday of each month.
1906 Dedication of Parish Hall. (Present building)
1925 Sanctuary remodeled and renovated – new pews; carpeting; side balconies removed; office addition built and new heating system, at a cost of $70,000.
Stockhoff memorial organ dedicated.
1930 Broadcast series “Fellowship Chapel” began on WHAS radio.
1934 Union of Evangelical Synod of North America and Reformed Church in the United States.
1936 Children’s monthly worship services introduced.
1937 January worst flood in history of Louisville. St. John completely surrounded with water but remained untouched. Services suspended for 2 Sundays. Parish converted into sleeping quarters and dining room for 250 refugees.
1939 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service introduced.
Monthly German services terminated.
1941-1945 At least 100 St. John’s men served in Armed Forces. St. John’s only casualty was Lt. David Wm. Hueck, Jr., killed in action.
1942 Pew Communion introduced Good Friday.Organization of Girls’ Guild.
1943 Centennial year celebrated – debt free.
1949 New hymnals purchased, dedicated to memory of Julia Bachus Horn, Organist 1926 – 1949.
1953 Dedication of renovated Parish Hall - $43, 293.81.1957
Merger of Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Church to become the United Church of Christ.
Monthly prayer and healing service introduced.
1964 New organ console dedicated.
1966 100th Anniversary of sanctuary. Present steeple installed. Needlepoint runner dedicated on 100th Anniversary Sunday.
1968 Dial-a-prayer started in October.
Dorcas Class 50th Anniversary.
1970 St. John completed 40 years of participation in “Fellowship Chapel” broadcast when WHAS discontinued program.
East Market Street Boy’s Club disbanded after 11 ½ years of leadership by St. John’s men.
1973 St. John Archives begun.
1975 Archives dedicated “Theodore S. Schlundt Memorial Archives”.
Complete renovation of sanctuary.
1976 Dedication of marker designating St. John a Kentucky Historical Landmark.
1981 New Steiner Organ dedicated. Funds raised through Project 104.
1988 Lights installed to light St. John Steeple.
1989 Renovation and air conditioning of Parish House.
1990 Dorcas Class disbanded, using money to refurbish parlor in Parish House to be known as “The Dorcas Room”.
1991 125th Anniversary of The Women’s Guild.
1992 125th Anniversary of Sanctuary.
1993 150th Anniversary year. Challenge 150 yielded approximately 51,000 – ½ to be used by church and remaining 1/2 share with
Brooklawn Home, Eden Seminary, Wayside Christian Mission, Habitat for Humanity and Indiana-Kentucky Conference
Reaching for Tomorrow campaign.
Ramp for the Handicapped installed at the rear of the sanctuary.
1994 Summer Singers inaugurated.
1995 Adoption by St. John of a seminary student in India – Paul Ravikumar.
1996 Installation of air conditioning for Sanctuary using funds raised by Challenge 150.
Moving T. S. Schlundt Memorial Archives to the first floor of the Parish Hall.
2001 Congregation voted to be known as “St. John United Church of Christ.”
2005 Establishment of Endowment Fund.
2006 Celebrated 100th Anniversary of Parish Hall.
2008 Rev. Walter Snowa retired.
2013 170th Anniversary of the church.
The historical facts and illustration were obtained from St. John records and compiled by LaVern S. Rupp, Archivist, 1991-2014.
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